Children's Artwork
Mayflower based artwork created by children from the local school will be on display throughout the town. The school choir will perform a specially arranged song and children will read specially written poetry.

Fri 6 - Sun 15: 10am - 4pm
Curriculum time will be dedicated to children from the Primary Phase of the local school learning about their town’s association with the Mayflower ship and the local Fuller family who sailed as part of a group which would become known as the Pilgrims and Founding Fathers of America as we know it today.
Posters designed by the children will promote events in the lead up to the Open Days. Some of these will be on display. Artwork will be on display in St Johns Church and poetry in shop windows throughout the town centre. The song and poetry will be performed on Friday 6 September at 2pm.
Harleston Sancroft Academy