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Travellers Tales

GUIDED WALK - A walk and talk highlighting sites relevant to transport, travel and fairs in Harleston through the years. **Booking Required.

Travellers Tales

Wed 11: 10am

GUIDED WALK - The walk will put in context the huge amount of wealth brought to the town by the Scotch Cattle Trade in the late 18th and up to mid 19th century. The walk will include interesting historical anecdotes, built evidence of the part travel and settlement have played in shaping the town over the years and brief histories of once renowned travellers from the town. As well as interpreting specific sites, we will also see how influences from other countries are reflected by various building styles in the town.

We will meet on the verge outside Harleston Petrol Station, 50 London Road, Harleston, IP20 9BP.

The trail is specially offered as part of the Heritage Open Days 2024.

Historical Society

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©2023 Harleston and District Historical Society.  Funded by South Norfolk Council.  

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